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Dutch Minister Asks Curacao Casino Regulators about Their Responsibilities

As the minister of the Dutch Socialist Party sent his letter to Curacao Gaming Control Board inquiring about their regulatory responsibility. The member of parliament noted that he considered matters and affairs of abuse to be severe issues however conceded that that infliction was a matter for Curacao to handle while also noting that financial and economic crime imposing can be advocated by the Kingdom of Netherland.

A delegate and representative of UTS stated to the Herald that UTS had incorporated the Curacao’s Corporate Governance Code in its statues and also its operations. UTS reportedly said that they were the only presenter providing a telecommunications concession to be compliant on the entire island.

Further Questioning

Van Raak in the past asked to know about the examiner of UTS economic and financial reports; however, that answer hasn’t been given yet, and so, there isn’t any reflection of that letter found in local media. In the middle of March, Van Raak and the Member of Parliament of the ruling party. Andre Bosman inquired about a series of marked information about all types of gaming and especially about sports betting activities in Sint Marten and Curacao.

Some of the local reports indicated that as much as around 50 people had been included in an investigation procedure into illegal betting in St. Marten. Another local newspaper had been claiming to unveil the reports and curtail Mr. Van Raak’s questions that had surfaced in January.

The same went for Curacao. Its provided license had been used by all the virtual gaming platforms, which failed to attain any legal license. Curacao charged only a nominal rate for issuing those licenses.

A representative for the St. Marteen prosecutor’s office purportedly said in reply to those questions that the office of public prosecutor knows nothing about this investigation into the gaming industry in St. Maarten.

Vincenzo Davari is a Best-Selling author regarding online gambling and strategies. He loves to join fascinating games online and share his practical experience through writing. He enjoys reading books and meet with new people.

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