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Restaurants on Curacao Wants a Monday Relaxation of Regulation

Restaurants on Curacao Wants a Monday Relaxation of Regulation

The Curacao Restaurant Association (CRA) predicts a regulation interval during the ongoing COVID-19 measures evaluation. The CRA emphasizes the importance of making people sit back in the boundary of their homes. By attributing the right protocol, this can be possible as casinos and other gaming spots have already set such examples.

Moreover, the CRA suggests starting the curfew at 11 p.m. It will let more visitors come to the restaurants and simultaneously won’t allow excessive guests. The CRA also suggests letting some inner traditions of the restaurants to sustain. It will contribute to the overall experience of the customers. Neglecting those long-celebrated traditions may become the reason for many people not to eat in restaurants. In such cases, the company will lose many regular visitors and, consequently, overall turnover.

Unfair Competition Arises

The CRA gets concerned about the measures that are clouding over the current ambiance for the sector. These measures have also contributed to mass competition. Hotels are seemingly exploiting the opportunity. They are enticing customers by setting BBQ stands, and the number of people going to hotels to be served with alcohol is rising gradually.

Customers who used to go to restaurants are now settling for hotels as services in there have fewer restrictions to follow. It’s a norm for hotels to be filled with customers during the holidays, whereas the restaurants are still bound to serve customers till 8 p.m. and without having the choice to serve alcohol.

The CRA gets furious over the fact that when the casinos with open indoor spaces are reopened, the restaurant will never find a proper response with more rational protocols.

The CRA’s perception of 2021 is good, and it hopes it possible for the catering industry to reverse back to its normal condition within the shortest time.

It’s clear that the past year was difficult for everyone. Highlighting the contribution of restaurants on the employment sector and its critical condition due to the pandemic, the CRA appeals to the government to improvise their plan with the catering sector. Without getting any help or fund, this sector cannot provide job safety, and more restaurants will be on the verge of going extinct.

Vincenzo Davari is a Best-Selling author regarding online gambling and strategies. He loves to join fascinating games online and share his practical experience through writing. He enjoys reading books and meet with new people.

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