In the Indian State of Goa, the officials have suspended the activities of gaming properties, following a continuous increase in the related cases of Covid-19.
Since Thursday, the casinos in Goa remain shut down because the state is facing a mounting number of Covid-19. Until today, the measures are in place. But they may extend as the numbers of Covid-19 continue to climb.
In the State Goa Orders Casinos to Shutdown
Goa is currently facing one of the worst health crises, and since Thursday, it shut down all the casinos in the state. However, for under-reporting the death toll of Covid-19, the observers from the outside criticize India. Pramod Sawant, the Chief Minister of Goa, announced the measure that only essential services would allow.
Numerous gaming properties of Delta Corp have closed temporarily, including its business of water and land based. Back in March, a stinging $3.2 million loss reported by the company. And the pandemic made it one of the heavily impacted entertainment companies.
Delta Corp, in the state, presently runs one land-based casino, and in Sikkim, another one, along with three properties offshore.
The Goa officials prompted to shutter the operations in gaming properties by the mounting pressure on the country’s healthcare system. The gaming properties under restrictions include hotels, bars, casinos, and restaurants. This week, some of the property may allow reopening, but it will closely monitor the infection rate.
As of last week, 1,086, Covid-19 related deaths reported by the state. But last Saturday, India as a whole posted the new cases of $400,000; globally, it recorded the highest single-day count.
Casino Industry on Ropes Due to the Infection Rate of Covid-19
The report of the high caseload comes that India’s population less than 10 per cent has received the first dose of vaccine and making the country one of the most remarkable sufferers by the pandemic. In the past, the pandemic hit hard to Goa. Officials suggested the local governments take a step and suspend the casino operation in December, as at such property’s caseload increases enormously.
In March 2020, by initially shutting down, Goa casinos got the chance to jump back in the original action and reopening in November. India’s covid-19 caseload continues to increase, and they are facing new challenges every day.